Transport Canada building commercial vehicle test lab

by Today's Trucking

Transport Canada has announced plans to build a new $29-million commercial vehicle laboratory at its Motor Vehicle Test Centre.

The facility, available for Transport Canada and private sector testing, will be 4,400 square meters (43,000 sq.-ft.), in addition to the 11,300 square meters (122,000 sq.-ft.) of existing lab space.

“These investments at the Motor Vehicle Test Centre will transform it into a state-of-the-art facility, among the most advanced in the world,” said federal Transport Minister, Pablo Rodriguez. “The Motor Vehicle Test Centre is a key part of the local automotive industry and will continue to drive innovation and safety for Canadians on our roads.”

Construction is set to finish by the fall of 2025.

test track photo
A test track at the Transport Canada Motor Vehicle Test Centre. (Photo: PMG)

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