Transtex buys U.S. composite manufacturer

by Today's Trucking

Transtex has acquired US Liner Company, a manufacturer of fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites used in the transportation, RV and agricultural industries.

The Harmony, Penn.-based company produces lightweight, strong, affordable composite materials that are resistant to corrosion and mildew, Transtex says.

US Liner trailer

“Our recent acquisitions have strategically expanded Transtex’s market presence, with US Liner now integrating as a leading manufacturer within our supply chain,” said Mathieu Desjardins, president of Montreal-based Transtex, in a news release.

“By leveraging Transtex’s advanced manufacturing expertise and through collaboration between our R&D and commercial teams, our aim is to improve quality, focus on product development, and drive sustainable growth across all sectors of activities.”

The move also expands Transtex’s manufacturing capacity in North America, while securing a source of quality composite materials needed for its line of truck and trailer products.

“Transtex’s investment marks a transformative phase for our customers, aligning us with a leader in innovative manufacturing and best practices,” added Michael Mantia, vice-president of engineering and quality control at US Liner. “We trust their leadership’s commitment to enhancing quality, ensuring consistent delivery of service, and supporting our market expansion.”

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