E-Smart monitors seatbelt usage

by Today's Trucking

E-Smart has launched a new feature that monitors seat belt usage by commercial drivers and limits vehicle speeds when they’re not worn.

E-Smart Seat Belt is part of its Dynamic Speed Management suite and is customizable by fleets.

seat belt
(Photo: iStock)

“We saw the statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that 69.3% of the drivers who died in crashes in 2022 were not wearing seat belts as heartbreaking,” said Joe Thell, senior vice-president at E-Smart. “When asked by fleets to help solve this problem, we knew that our technology could make a difference in having drivers wear their seat belts. With E-Smart Seat Belt, we can detect and monitor seat belt use under different conditions. The fleet can then provide the operational rules of what happens under each condition.”

When a driver isn’t wearing their seat belt, speeds can be limited to a set speed and an event report is generated. Fleets can also set speed-controlled geofenced areas with reporting.

The new feature will be available in the third quarter of this year.

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  • Yes, seatbelts are absolutely necessary to wear. ABSOLUTELY!! This is an interesting creation and good for the company providing it to trucking. Sadly, the percentage of non-use is pathetic! My hope is that ALL VEHICLES would have this seatbelt monitor in place. Unfortunately, the cry of “loss of freedom” will be the public’s cry.

  • 69.3% of those who died in crshes were not wearing seatbelts. Okay,but how many died BECAUSE they were not wearing seatbelts. That would be the important statistic. One of the first trucks I drove had a rubber block suspension and if I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt a bad bump could throw me off the seat. I wear seatbelts all the time from when they first came out (I’ve been driving since 1959), but like motorcycle helmets, I don’t think they should be mandatory. Seatbelts are primarily designed to protect the one wearing them. The main reason that I wear them is to avoid paying a fine and to avoid demarit points, but if I am willing to take that chance shouldn’t that be up to me?

  • What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If this monitoring system is to be added to commercial trucks, then they should be added to all cars as well. I’ve seen too many cars running down the road without seatbelts being used,