Parlok introduces its truck fenders

Parlok, a manufacturer headquartered in Finland, announced a series of enhancements to its line of truck fenders.

Made from high-density polyethylene, Parlok’s fenders are recyclable and boast a lightweight design with chemical and high-impact resistance, the company said in a news release, adding that customers can also adjust the thickness when needed.

The fenders are finished with top-rounded edges and utilize ultrasound welding, ensuring the mudflaps’ seamless attachment.

Parlok fenders photo
(Photo: Parlok)

According to Parlok, the company’s products differ from traditional fenders made from polypropylene, offering flexibility and durability.

The fenders can adjust their span by several inches, accommodating various installation needs and enhancing overall utility. They can also withstand extreme temperatures ranging from -50C to 80C without compromising integrity or appearance, the company said. The company attributes these features to the layer extrusion with the thermoforming production process, where the polymers are evenly spread all around the fender and don’t leave pressured places on the surface that might crack when hit.

Parlok fenders
(Photo: Parlok)

“Thanks to the production method, we can also cut the round fender to any length since it is not manufactured in a mold. Our colored fenders are colored all through the article, so if a scratch appears, the color remains anyway,” the announcement reads.

Parlok has also introduced its proprietary Supra anti-spray material, which it says reduces water spray from tires by 75-80%.

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