Michelin offers new retread for mixed-use environments

by Today's Trucking

Michelin is now offering an X Works D pre-mold drive position retread, the company says offers improved wear performance, toughness and traction in mixed and aggressive applications.

The retread is meant to complement the Michelin X Works D new tire. It features stone ejectors and unique siping to minimize stone retention, and improve wear mileage and directional tread.

(Photo: Michelin)

“The Michelin X Works D retread is designed specifically for the construction, energy, concrete and logging industries,” said Pierluigi Cumo, vice-president of B2B marketing for Michelin North America. “These vehicles operate in aggressive and mixed-use environments, driving off pavement at least 10% of the time on a daily basis and subjecting tires to any number of harsh conditions.”

The retread is available in both the U.S. and Canada in six sizes: 210 mm, 220 mm, 230 mm, 240 mm, 250 mm and 270 mm – all with a tread depth of 30/32”. 

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