Geotab’s unveils AI-driven collision detection technology to enhance fleet safety

Geotab has introduced its advanced collision detection technology that leverages AI and data to enhance predictive insights and improve driver safety.

It builds on the Safety Center launched in February, the company said in a news release, adding that customers using Safety Center have seen collision rates drop 5.5% in just four months.

The picture reflects the mock-up of a safety center's collision analytics page
(Photo: Geotab)

Geotab says the new technology detects and categorizes collisions by utilizing data from 4.3 million connected vehicles worldwide. It distinguishes between minor (1.5-2.5 Gs) and major incidents (2.5 Gs and above), allowing fleet managers to perform maintenance, address potential safety issues, and prevent downstream consequences.

“Geotab’s Safety Center shifts the focus from reacting to incidents to proactively preventing them. While safety scorecards have demonstrated improved driver scores, the relationship to collision reduction was unclear, a real-world challenge that our customers have asked us to solve for,” said Sabina Martin, vice-president of product management at Geotab.

“The combined near real-time and predictive insights provide improved learning from historical incidents, risk identification, and better opportunities for preventative action. These innovative advancements in the Safety Center will ultimately help improve driver safety and performance outcomes.”

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